The new light of 1929 (Superior Authorities)



But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.

Proverbs 4:18 - King James Version (KJV)  



Those who claim to be in covenant relationship-with God have also come in for their shaking at the same time. God's lightnings have revealed his truth and purposes more clearly than at any time heretofore. The illumination of "the higher powers" (Rom. 13), the pyramid of Gizeh (Isa. 19: 19), the book of Job, and Daniel's prophecies (Dan. 12), and the illumination of other prophecies, have caused much commotion and shaking, and many are those who are shaken out.

Source : 🇺🇸 1930 - Light, Vol 2, page 62 + Cover

Consider the title : "Light"

Such religious misapplication of Scripture concerning the "higher powers" has long caused the ignorant bondage of professing Christians to worldly officials at the expense of the interests of God's work and of true freedom. After the Lord's coming to the temple and freeing the faithful remnant of spiritual Israelites from captivity to modern-day Babylon he began to open their eyes gradually to the truth. In 1929 the clear light broke forth. That year The Watchtower published the Scriptural exposition of Romans chapter 13. It showed that Jehovah God and Christ Jesus, rather than worldly rulers and governors, are "The Higher Powers" and that the Christian souls must "obey God rather than men";

Source : 🇺🇸 1943 - The Truth Shall Make You Free, page 311, page 312 + Cover

Consider the title : "The Truth Shall Make You Free"

The truth concerning the “higher powers” as being God and Christ was made clear in 1928 and 1929, and since then that pointed truth has been repeatedly wielded as an important part of the sword of the spirit. [...] The more the light of truth shone;

Source : 🇺🇸 The Watchtower, June 15 1950, page 182 + Cover

Timely was the new light of truth on the subject of the “higher powers” published in The Watch Tower for June 1 and June 15, 1929, showing clearly that Jehovah God and Christ Jesus are the true “superior authorities” that must be obeyed. (Rom. 13:1, NW)

Source : 🇺🇸 The Watchtower, June 15, 1955, page 367 + page 368 + Cover