Changement d'édition, changement de message ! (The Finished Mystery)


Ce sont aussi sept rois: cinq sont tombés, un existe, l'autre n'est pas encore venu, et quand il sera venu, il doit rester peu de temps.

Apocalypse 17:10 - Louis Segond


The Finished Mystery, Page 268 : Parlant du 7ème roi du Temps de la fin qui n'a pas encore pris son règne et règnera un bref instant (Révélation 17:10)


⚪ Édition de 1917 : Viens vers le 1er octobre 1917

And the other. - The final form, of Arbitrator (whatever be the official title).
Is not yet come. - But is due to make its appearance with the close of the war, some time about October 1st, 1917. (See comments on Rev. 16:17-21; Ex. 10:23.) Pastor Russell foretold the darkness would come Oct. 1st, 1914, and it did!!
And when he cometh, he must continue a short space. - From the summer or fall of 1917 to the spring or summer of 1918. "The language is indefinite, the words 'must continue' alone being emphatic. It is a duration such that by means of it the Church should be exercised in patience." - Cook.

Source : 🇺🇸 1917 - Studies in the Scriptures, Vol 7, The finished mystery, page 268


⚫ Édition de 1918 : Viens probablement au début de l'année 1918

And the other. - The final form, of Arbitrator (whatever be the official title).
Is not yet come. - But is due to make its appearance with the close of the war, probably early in the year 1918. (See comments on Rev. 16:17-21; Ex. 10:23.) Pastor Russell foretold the darkness would commence in 1914, and it did!! Egypt's plague of darkness lasted three days (years).
And when he cometh, he must continue a short space. - Probably from the fall of 1917 to the spring or summer of 1918. "The language is indefinite, the words 'must continue' alone being emphatic. It is a duration such that by means of it the Church should be exercised in patience." - Cook.

Source : 🇺🇸 1918 - Studies in the Scriptures, Vol 7, The finished mystery, page 268

Si la version de 1917 est cohérente, l'arrivée du roi étant prévue vers Octobre 1917, il règne à partir de cette date jusqu'à l'été 1918, la version de 1918 ne l'est plus, puisque le roi arrive au cours de la période de son règne.

S'étant rendu compte de cette nouvelle erreur, la datation du règne de ce 7e roi est complètement supprimé de la version de 1926.

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