The two horns (Revelation 13:11)


And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

Revelation 13:11 - King James


⚪ England and Germany
⚫ England and Ireland
⚫ Britain and America



⚪ England and Germany


vs. 11 “And I saw another wild beast, ascending from the earth.” If the previous beast was an ecclesiastical power, this beast called another would also be an ecclesiastical, or church power. As the first beast had ten horns, or powers which gave to it their support, strength and protection, so this beast has “two horns.” The first beast received a deadly wound from the sword. (Vs. 14.) The sword is the word of God and Papacy received such a wound during the Reformation. The preaching of the word of God by Luther, Zwingli and others, showing it to be the “mystery of iniquity,” much “The Man of Sin,” “The Antichrist,” kc., took away of its power and almost took its life.
B. I see then that the second beast with two horns, you regard as another ecclesiastical power arising since the Reformation. Can it be possible that it refers to or symbolizes Protestantism?
A. I think it does. As Papacy became a beast bv the union of church and empire, so with Protestantism. It is not called a beast until it unites with the empires represented by the two horns-two powers. England and Germany. Notice that this beast does not come out of the Sea (the irreligious masses) but from the “earth” (the people who bad been obedient to Papacy). It has not the fierce, aggressive character of the “Leopard.” but “two horns like a lamb.” It used its horns only as a means of defence and protection.

Source : 🇫🇷 1880 -Zion's Watch Tower, January 1880, page 1


⚫ England and Ireland

Rev. 13 [...]
13:11. And I beheld another beast. — [...] so this beast has 'two horns' which indicates that two powers or governments will support It, [...] The Two-horned Beast is one ecclesiastical system, and the two horns show that it is supported, and its authority recognized by two kingdoms. [...]
And he had two horns like a lamb. - "Now about the two horns. England, of course, was one of them, and Ireland the other. [...] The fact that Ireland was not a powerful horn, matters not, for it was stronger than some that supported the Papal Beast. [...] From 1538 to 1871 (333 years), the title of the church was 'The Church of England and Ireland,' thus recognizing both "horns.' On January 1, 1871 (by action of Parliament and the consent of the Queen, the head of the church) the Irish church was disestablished, or that horn was cast off. So, too, all of the horns which once supported Papacy have broken off from her; the difference being that in the case of Papacy the horns have turned against her, and in the case of the second Beast it casts off the Irish horn of Itself, believing it to be a weakness rather than a strength. And It would not be at all remarkable If the other horn (England) would be separated from this Beast. "The two horns like a lamb,' would seem to indicate that this Beast would be peaceably Inclined—not aggressive, but merely using the horns for defense."— Z.'80-1-2.

Source : 🇺🇸 1917 - Studies in the Scriptures, Vol 7, The finished mystery, page 199, page 200, page 201 + Cover


⚫ Britain and America


John, representing God's anointed people, beheld 'another beast having two horns like a lamb coming up out of the earth, and its speech was like Satan', (Rev. 13:11) [...] To be sure, the United States stands out in a class all by herself amongst the English-speaking people, and that makes of her distinctly one of the horns of the two-horned beast and also a part of the seventh world power. [...] At the time of the World War the financial connections between the United States and Britain were so interconnected that they were practically one. The commercial interests of the two countries are vitally tied together. [...] There is a religious tie that binds the two nations as one. [...] There is also a financial or commercial relationship between the two countries of Britain and America that binds them together. They are in fact one great country, acting separately and distinctly and yet together, and fitly represented by the "two horns".

Source : 🇺🇸 1930 - Light, Vol 1, page 283, page 286, page 287 + Cover