A biography of Charles Russell or not?


⚪ 1916 : Biography of Charles Russell
⚪ 1923 : Biography of Charles Russell
⚫ 1959 : Never published a biography of Charles Russell
⚪ 1993: A biography of Charles Russell was published in 1916



⚪ 1916 : Biography of Charles Russell

Below is the biography of Charles Russell from The Watch Tower of December 1916


⚪ 1923 : Biography of Charles Russell

The 1923 edition of the 1886 book entitled "The Divine Plan of The Ages", contains a biography of Charles Russell, 14 pages long (pages 9 to 22)



⚫ 1959 : Never published a biography of Charles Russell

Lois : "But, is it true you have never published a biography of Pastor Russell?

John : That's right. Jehovah's witnesses admire the qualities he possessed as a man, but were we to give the honor and credit to Pastor Russell, we would be saying that the works and success were his; but Jehovah's witnesses believe it is God's spirit that guides and directs his people."

Source : 🇺🇸 1959 - Jehovah's Witnesses in the Divine Purpose, page 63 + Cover


⚪ 1993: A biography of Charles Russell was published in 1916

"A brief biography of Russell along with his will and testament was published in The Watch Tower of December 1, 1916, as well as in subsequent editions of the first volume of Studies in the Scriptures."

Source : 🇺🇸 1993 - Jehovah's Witnesses - Proclaimers of God's Kingdom page 64 + Cover